Case Consultation Calls

Congratulations on completing your problem gambling specific training hours. You have taken the first step in the certification process, and we applaud your efforts and commitment to assisting those whose lives have been impacted by problematic gambling behavior.

As part of the process of becoming internationally certified as a gambling counselor, a minimum* of four hours of case presentation time via conference call is required. The Council on Compulsive Gambling of Pennsylvania, Inc. offers these calls to help support counselors in their effort to become nationally certified gambling counselors. This is a free service thanks to funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.

Clinical conference calls are available to those counselors with at least 15 hours of approved gambling specific training and education. These conference calls are designed to meet or exceed the requirements for Board Approved Clinical Consultation (BACC) hours as required by the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board (IGCCB).

These conference calls will be scheduled monthly and last for one hour. These four hours are part of the guidelines used by the BACC’s to confirm for the IGCCB that the candidate for certification has demonstrated competence and skill with gambling specific screening assessments, treatment planning, restitution planning, group work, family and individual work with gambling treatment strategies etc.

*Please note: four hours is the minimum number of hours required by the IGCCB in order to complete national certification – callers are encouraged to continue calling, in order to gain additional experience, have the opportunity to share case examples with peers, and provide and receive feedback on treatment approaches

(Visit for details and requirements for international certification)

Calls are held on the first Monday of each month at 12:00 noon EST

• To access calls, please dial 1-800-567-5900

• When prompted, enter access code 8708164 followed by the # key